The working principle of human body is: Qi pushes blood to walk, blood drives nutrition. That is to say, where Qi and blood can circulate, the function of body can work normally. And Qi is walking in the meridians, so the core is meridians and collaterals. Once the meridians and collaterals are good, all your body is healthy. It is an intelligent health care instrument based on human biological microwave meridian therapy and combined with four major techniques of traditional Chinese medicine (acupuncture, scraping, cupping, massage), which integrates detection, dredging and conditioning and three effects are united as a whole.
Qi pushes blood to walk, blood drives nutrition. That is to say, where Qi and blood can circulate, the function of body can work normally. And Qi is walking in the meridians, so the core is meridians and collaterals. Once the meridians and collaterals are good, all your body is healthy.
Meroope Beauty Equipment Company has recently developed an HPT Intelligent Technology Health Care Instrument, which has the functions of scraping, lymphatic detoxification, shoulder and neck acid drainage, soothing acid, detoxification, pain relief, physiotherapy and so on.
It is an intelligent health care instrument based on human biological microwave meridian therapy and combined with four major techniques of traditional Chinese medicine (acupuncture, scraping, cupping, massage), which integrates detection, dredging and conditioning and three effects are united as a whole.
After treatment, HPT health care instrument has touch screen display function and intelligent voice navigation broadcasting prompt function.
HPT Intelligent Meridian Therapy Instrument is an intelligent health care instrument based on human biological microwave Meridian Therapy, which combines four major techniques of traditional Chinese medicine (acupuncture, scraping, cupping, massage) as a whole, and integrates three effects of detection, dredging and conditioning.
After treatment, the instrument can report your physical problems and injuries by voice broadcasting and help you find common topics. HPT can stimulate the corresponding meridians and acupuncture points by biological current according to the body meridians and the parts of the disease, so that the blocked deep meridians (acupuncture points) can be instantly unobstructed, and play the role of conditioning while maintaining health.